Tuesday, August 31, 2010

College saga

I have come close to deleting this blog more than once but something held me back. It is stupid to update your blog after a year and have nothing important to say but I will just pretend that I am writing to myself, much the same way one talks to oneself and lift the writer's burden dangling over me.

The last time I wrote my blog, I was a student. Now a year later, I am working. Does it make any difference to my writing? Probably not much. I am still as confused as ever, in fact even more now. But there are certain things I can say with much more clarity and conviction now that I have made the transition, been there and done that.

First, no matter how frustrating, mediocre, dead or pointless you thought your college life had been, you would eventually realize that college is where you had some of your happiest memories. Once the realization sets in, which is not long before you leave college, you will try to find excuses to drop by your campus, the very same place you spent four years curisng.

You will long for the carefree college days when the biggest problem you could probably face was deleting your 20 page assignment. Trust me, you will never know the kind of carefree joy you felt in college once you join the rat race of professional life.

Second, teachers, even your most hated ones, are not the worst kind of people in the world. In fact, they are saints compared to people you will encounter outside the closely guarded world of your university. At hindsight, you may even start liking them.

Third, excellence does not guarantee success. That works only in university not elsewhere.

Fourth, you will never develop the kind of friendships as you did on college. But your friends will move on. So will you.